The nacelle of a Nordex wind turbine which has been RDS-PP classified by and RDS-PP consultant

RDS-PP Consultancy Standardisation of Your Wind Farm Asset Data

Reference Designation System for Power Plants

RDS-PP (Reference Designation System for Power Plants) coding and structures allow your organisation to manage and compare equipment and information throughout the lifecycle of your assets. Mech-V has long-term experience in the application of RDS-PP coding for new and existing wind energy projects both On-shore and Off-shore. We provide consultancy services to clients undergoing asset data management projects and assist them in the implementation of RDS-PP for their renewable assets.

The view from a Nordex N90 Beta wind turbine in Ireland

Our Experience

  • Wind Turbine Generators
  • Collector Networks & Sea Cables
  • HV Power & Converter Stations (Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Systems)
  • Ancillary Systems
  • Civil Installations

Where We Can Provide Assistance

Implementation of RDS-PP

We provide resources to support:

RDS-PP for Existing Maintenance, Operations and SCADA Systems

For projects already in operation, we offer support to clients who wish to convert their current asset registers and monitoring systems to the RDS-PP standard.

We can assist you in the complex task of:

The view inside the hub of a Siemens wind turbine

RDS-PP (Reference Designation for Power Plants) is an evolution from the well-known power plant designation system KKS (Kraftwerk Kennzeichensystem) and is built on ISO and IEC standards & principles.

What is RDS-PP?

RDS-PP is a standardised hierarchical asset coding approach to the designation of wind power plants. It is a global standard published by VGB PowerTech and is designed to optimise asset designation systems used for decentralised power generation units.

In the simplest sense RDS-PP coding is a way of structuring your assets, their primary systems, sub-systems and components in a form that allows you to;

Example of RDS-PP applied to a wind turbine yaw motor
Example of RDS-PP applied to a wind turbine yaw motor

Using RDS-PP coding and structures allow your organisation to manage and compare equipment and information throughout the lifecycle of your assets. From manufacturing to construction and operations.

Example of RDS-PP applied to a HV components
Example of RDS-PP applied to a HV components

Why is RDS-PP Important to Wind Farm Operators?

There are significant benefits to employing RDS-PP across your wind farm portfolio. The highly organised structure allows you to;

Create a link between all systems with RDS-PP

Create the Link Between All Your Systems

RDS-PP provides the common link between all your field assets, operational and data management systems. The RDS-PP code often applied with a corresponding QR Code can allow manufacturing, asset management and maintenance personnel to instantly have at their fingertips all the information they need relating to that specific component.

Key benefits during operation:

Streamline Your Operations

RDS-PP can be applied throughout the lifecycle of your wind power plant and also its supporting Civil & Electrical Balance of Plant (BoP). Many manufacturers already use RDS-PP which means that by adopting the standard all important data, reports & other valuable equipment information can be managed and tracked right through construction, commissioning and into your operations. The advantages of having one common designation system is a considerable benefit as it removes any ambiguity and ensures all important data follows the asset through its lifespan.

Diagram about how RDS-PP streamlines your operations

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